Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 12 Florida "Big Five" My Home State Minnesota "Big Five"

Florida's "Big Five"
1. Alligator
2. Florida Panter
3. Dolphin
4. Bald Eagle
5. Shark

My Home State Minnesota's "Big Five'
1. Moose.
2. 12 point Buck Deer
3. Black Bear
4. Bald Eagle
5. Muskie Fish

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blog 5 - Big Bark, Small Bark everywhere a Bark, Bark...

If old McDonald's farm song was substituted or replaced with my neighborhood, and we sang about dogs the size of the dog would have to be sung about. A big dog there, a little dog there here a dog there dog everywhere a dog, dog. And yes size matters.

My dog Ula, a German Shepard compared to my neighbor's dog's who each have two on either side of my house are couple(s) of Dachshund dogs. All five of the dogs share similarities they all are German dog breeds. However But it come to barking behavior of German Shepard's compared to Dachshund's they are totally opposites.

Ula is a small for a large dog only about 90 pounds, she is the most friendly nonchalant dog ever. When my real estate office is open she lays on the floor at/in front of the office door ignores every body she just lays there. Makes strangers walk over her. She maybe looks up at them wags her tail a couple of times but that's about it.

Compare to my neighbors Dachshunds they go ballistic every time they step outside, they bark at anything. A bush moved or a bee flew by either of these events would result in at least a 30 seconds of barking.

Which if it continues after half a minute Ula has to run out and check out! What's all the barking about?. Ula runs to edge of my yard and barks twice, once at each of the dogs, as if to say relax already.

The old saying it's not the size of the dog it's bark in them. They are right. Small dogs lots of barking. Once they stir things up they run back to "mommy" who most likely will pick them up like little babies and say "what's a matter little girl?" As each of Dachshunds continue to bark and bark and bark.

Ula, on the other hand if she is barking and barking at you, I would suggest getting some distance between you and Ula, you might be better off running because when she gets to you even if she is thinking your playing, it is going to be rough. Her tail will be wagging she wants to play but she just does not know her own strength she gets caught up in the moment and plays hard. She will not bite but she'll jump up on you, might grab you with her mouth but not bite, it is scary. Here's German Shepard who wants to play tag and have you run after her, have you give a push when you catch her. Typical "Big Dog Park" game playing.

When it come down to it. the temperament and not being overly anxious, these two breeds of dogs are miles apart.

Blog 4 - Burning Water to Dearth of inspiration

The following is a comparison–contrast of two songs: Randy Newman’s “Burn on, big river, burn on” and Bob Dylan’s “Watch the river flow”

Randy Newman’s “Burn on, big river, burn on” is literally about when the polluted river water on the Cuyahoga River caught fire. On June 23, 1969, Cleveland's oily, contaminated Cuyahoga River caught fire. Flames climbed as high as five stories until fireboats brought it under control. The fire was attributed to wastes dumped into the river by the waterfront industries. "It was strictly a run of the mill fire" William E. Barry, chief of Cleveland Fire Department

Randy Newman’s lingering tongue to cheek satire of a very serious issue his piano and iconic voice and melody underscore “'Cause the Cuyahoga River Goes smokin' through my dreams.” As Newman stated during his performance in Berlin Germany 1996 concert “it’s a expense effect.”

“Watching The River Flow” Bob Dylan’s is confronting a metaphoric song of lack of stimulation to inspire. The songs subject matter of continuing dearth of inspiration, is performed in a refreshingly honest rhythm and blues fashion.

Bob Dylan’s legendary voice and harmonica shines in his great rhythem and blues performance "Watching the River Flow" this track is on his first greatest hits album. It was released as an independent single. Between March 16 and 19, 1971, Dylan reserved three days at Blue Rock Studios, a small studio in New York's Greenwich Village. These sessions were produced by Leon Russell of Mad Dogs and Englishmen fame.

Randy Newman lyrics "Burn on, big river, burn on."

Bob Dylan – Lyrics "Watching the river flow."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Blog Post 2 - Computers a Love - Hate relationship

Computers a Love Hate RelationshipComputers a Love – Hate Relationship
Holy Crap my computer just crashed there goes 4 hours of work! We all have felt that anxiety. The shrinking in the pit of your stomach. The silent yell in the middle of the Library! Or worst yet everything appear to have operated correctly and you think you have completed your task/work. Yet the email does not go through. Basically you’re screwed and you don’t even know it. Today the internet is everywhere; you are able to gain access almost anywhere on the plant. However one access to internet and completing tasks are only as good as ones the weakest link (in my case my PC) in the chain in communication. This is Holy Crap issue comes into play. Many times you don’t even know you been run over by the bus until you see the tail lights.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Post 11 Hate Crimes

A hate crime is defined as:
A criminal offense committed against a person which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability status, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Different states have various categories for hate crime law. Some may include the categories gender identity, age and, or political affiliation. U.S. Department of Justice reports that between 1997 and 1999, 61 percent of hate crimes and bias crimes were motivated by race, 14 percent by religion, 13 percent by sexual orientation, 11 percent by ethnicity, and one percent by victim disability.
I believe every citizen has equal rights, regards of one’s race, religion, disability status, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation. To live, with hate being a foundation of one’s perspective to interact with the world is just wrong.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog 10 Step Up and Do Your Part About Preventing Bullying

The BBC reported that the option to contact a "trusted friend" has been added to the website's safety center Facebook said that the system was designed to help people solve online problems "face to face". The changes were unveiled at the White House where President Obama and his wife Michelle hosted an anti-bullying conference. In March 2011 on-line bulling issue was raised and preventative measures were sought out. The anti-bulling issue is an international concern and social websites are seeking to take preventive measures.

Dispel the myth that bulling is a rite of passage, it’s not and we don’t need to allow that behavior. Just because it’s been around forever, does not make it right. Everyone has a right not to be bullied. In person online or on one’s cell phone. No bulling anywhere, anytime, for any reason. There are people out there who are stepping up who are leading to help and seek to end bulling and create a stronger sense of community. It’s about working together and stopping this issue.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog 9 Why Sullivan believes that gays should be allowed to marry

Identifying the reasons why Sullivan believes that gays should be allowed to marry, “That isn’t about gay marriage. It’s about marriage. It’s about family. It’s about love. It isn’t about religion. It’s about civil marriage licenses. It about outing gay relationships in some other category – civil unions, domestic partnerships, whatever, the euphemism itself is what separates gays form being “Married to Civil Union, domestic partnership, whatever” is building a wall between gay people and their families.

I believe that as an American each person can select which religion that they chose to practice, that the same basic fundamental right as to whom they wish to enter into marriage with equal rights should be recognized in the constitution[i]. The religionist right wing has made their political influence known for decades. .[ii]

Many churches, of many varieties of mainstream faiths recognized gay members in their congregation. Many of these churches have union ceremonies but depending on which State you live in and the prevailing law(s) Federal as compared to State legislation the extent which the ceremony can be interpreted as a marriage may not satisfy the civil issues which Andrew Sullivan points out in his essay civil union’s verses marriage.

[i] Same-Sex Marriages be legalized? httpll://

[ii]A Contentious Debate: Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog Post 8 Why Men Don’t Talk to Women

Why Men Don’t Talk to Women

A little bitter!

Yea think?

We all have our good and bad days, the animated author story board use's extremes in comical way.

There is a lot of tongue to cheek humor going on with the video clip.

I liked the since of humor to a point.

However the ending it portrays women in a very superficial manner which is demeaning.

Litghten up a bit, That's critique of the video.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog Post 7 Timeless Foot Prints

Between these two posters,

In my opinion this Poster:

This image is more powerful than the full color poster of the “Flag, Clouds and Stars”. Because the simple black and white image to me is more powerful. The focus of a boot footprint in the dirt I interpret as timeless salute to ever member of all branches of the USA military services. Who served their country either foreign or domestic duty in service of the policies of the United States of America.

I see as a statement of “boots on the ground” salute to veteran’s service. That boot print image as reminder that these are actual people who served. Honoring the men and women regardless of which branch of their military branch this day November 7th is a time of remembrance and respect of all veterans’.

Since the formation of the Colonial Revolution thought today each member of the military services, and into the future, paid for in the most precious commodity on the that is time served up to and including one’s life in the line of duty.

That boot print image to me is representation of each individual person how has performed their duty for the county, whose efforts collectively represent the nation. I am proud to be American.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blog Post 6 - Go Animate

I used GoAnimate my choice was to employ a debate public platform and used the context of why the candidates champagnes where so lame.

By not using the internet tools we learned in class, Chris Matthews with Hard ball was the comminatory, Bachmann, Perry, Obama and Bedin where the guests on the panel.

The reason choose that format is that I thought it would engage the audience and imprinted some of the local personalities and issues reflecting on current news stories and some humor never hurts.

It was fun once you got to know what how to get it working.

I forgot to incorporate some the issues which was required in the task assignment I would address these tasks as my suggestion for improvement.

Here is my GoAnimate link click here

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog 3 - Students Get Caught in Plagiarism Cases

Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age. This article illustrates the current epidemic spanning across the academic professionals and universities on how serious this issues is becoming with students “copying and pasting” without any regard to the true author of the subject matter or attempt to disclose.

Within the discipline of writing it is not easy coming up with new ideas or correctly citing the authors content. The present generation is accustoming to the internet as source of content. Its’ how they use the content and how they perceive its content value.Many times students cut and paste section of articles from various sources taken directly from the internet without even thinking of citing the source of the articles they use.

The August 10th New York Times called,

This is where Plagiarism lines blur andaccountability issues begin when students cut and paste so many articlestogether, collectively it morphs content. This is where the plagiarism issuecomes into play, the usage of whose lines are they? When the cutting and pastingof the content is morphed by the student this issue of citing gets blurred.

However "Within the discipline of writing it is not easy coming up withnew ideas or correctly citing the authors content" even if the end resultis morphed content citing is still the proper discipline used in the English language

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog Post 1 - Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho off to work we go

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho off to work we go. The animated Heresy kiss rolls down the assemble line finally wrapped in foil it's blessed to be launched into a sorting selection of spread love, share happiness or send a smile portal into the "real world". Don't we all have this opportunity in our lives to spread love, share happiness or send a smile? Life is 90% attitude and this commercial is a positive vibe message, like a kiss.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Posting 2 The excited Shout

The excited shout “Grandma” next to the Aquarium entrance made my wife Jennifer’s head spun in a nanosecond with an immediate open arm’s and bright smile and equal amount of glee responded “Natalie”, that was the beginning of a great day.

It’s not often the my family gets together, we are spread out over the East Coast, but sometimes we get lucky and manage to squeeze in a day together. Matt and Mary (my youngest son & wife) flew into to Tampa to attend Mary’s Grandmother Funeral on Saturday, which left Sunday wide open. Their flight back to Chapel Hill NC didn’t depart until Monday morning 10AM.

Not wanting to miss an opportunity, my first born, Mike Brenner and wife Miranda along with 2 year daughter Natalie agreed to meet Uncle Matt and Aunt Mary, Grandma & Grandpa at the Tampa Aquarium, take in the exhibit get some lunch and take a little break from school (we all are University students) and enjoy each other’s company if only for the day.

Both Mike and Miranda are full time students at FGCU, both work part time jobs and raising the world’s most perfect grandchild – they have very busy schedules. Yeah it’s weird attending the same school as your kids…

Younger son Matt has been fortunate to work with NOUA and Webinar-internet conference in on staff meetings in DC allowing Mary to go back to school and earn her second Masters. Mary’s fatigue from studying each day the past week from 7 AM till Midnight to “Ace” her first Finance midterm in grad school at Chapel Hill paid off.

So we all arranged to spend the day together first at the Tampa Aquarium, then back to Matt and Mary’s Safe Harbor Resort room for a pool side play time to catch up and hang out, swim, have a beer and some pizza. Mary’s sister was in town for the funeral so Emily and her boy friend Zack joined us.

Then later in afternoon Mary’s mother Cathy and Uncle Frank to joined us poolside to relax and unwind, and get some much needed rest and relaxation.

My Granddaughter Natalie, who is now half fish, craves the attention of Uncle Matt and Aunt Mary as they play with her in the pool. Natalie shows off her swimming skills and new found abilities with a flouting noodle. Much the liking of both Matt and Mary they both compete for Natalie’s attention, who’s her favorite Matt or Mary? As They spoil her with each other affection and play all afternoon.

Natalie’s favorite comic super hero is Spiderman, taking after her father who brought along a Spiderman costume to surprise her with later in the evening.

As the sun went down and Natalie was starting to get sleepy, Mike quickly made the change into the Spiderman costume. wearing his Spiderman costume he walked out to the swimming pool liani where all the kids at the swimming pool in unison shouted “Spiderman”! Mike walked up to Natalie as she buried her head into her mother arms and apprehensively looked at “Spiderman” and said “Daddy?” then reached out and touched his hand and took his arm and said with concern said again “Daddy”.
That was it! The hood came off and Mike showed Natalie it was him and gave her a fatherly hug. That’s my boy’s aren’t they great.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Posting 1

Wednesday 8/31/11

I personally enjoy the story Life Safari; it’s very motivational. It narrows the reader’s focus on what is the reader's own Big 5, and the journey is a great story to bring up points along the way.