Friday, October 21, 2011

Blog Post 6 - Go Animate

I used GoAnimate my choice was to employ a debate public platform and used the context of why the candidates champagnes where so lame.

By not using the internet tools we learned in class, Chris Matthews with Hard ball was the comminatory, Bachmann, Perry, Obama and Bedin where the guests on the panel.

The reason choose that format is that I thought it would engage the audience and imprinted some of the local personalities and issues reflecting on current news stories and some humor never hurts.

It was fun once you got to know what how to get it working.

I forgot to incorporate some the issues which was required in the task assignment I would address these tasks as my suggestion for improvement.

Here is my GoAnimate link click here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Scott. You had only one error in Par. 2 The reason I chose that format is because......not The reason choose
