Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Blog Post 2 - Computers a Love - Hate relationship

Computers a Love Hate RelationshipComputers a Love – Hate Relationship
Holy Crap my computer just crashed there goes 4 hours of work! We all have felt that anxiety. The shrinking in the pit of your stomach. The silent yell in the middle of the Library! Or worst yet everything appear to have operated correctly and you think you have completed your task/work. Yet the email does not go through. Basically you’re screwed and you don’t even know it. Today the internet is everywhere; you are able to gain access almost anywhere on the plant. However one access to internet and completing tasks are only as good as ones the weakest link (in my case my PC) in the chain in communication. This is Holy Crap issue comes into play. Many times you don’t even know you been run over by the bus until you see the tail lights.

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