Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog 9 Why Sullivan believes that gays should be allowed to marry

Identifying the reasons why Sullivan believes that gays should be allowed to marry, “That isn’t about gay marriage. It’s about marriage. It’s about family. It’s about love. It isn’t about religion. It’s about civil marriage licenses. It about outing gay relationships in some other category – civil unions, domestic partnerships, whatever, the euphemism itself is what separates gays form being “Married to Civil Union, domestic partnership, whatever” is building a wall between gay people and their families.

I believe that as an American each person can select which religion that they chose to practice, that the same basic fundamental right as to whom they wish to enter into marriage with equal rights should be recognized in the constitution[i]. The religionist right wing has made their political influence known for decades. .[ii]

Many churches, of many varieties of mainstream faiths recognized gay members in their congregation. Many of these churches have union ceremonies but depending on which State you live in and the prevailing law(s) Federal as compared to State legislation the extent which the ceremony can be interpreted as a marriage may not satisfy the civil issues which Andrew Sullivan points out in his essay civil union’s verses marriage.

[i] Same-Sex Marriages be legalized? httpll://

[ii]A Contentious Debate: Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S,

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Scott, and good use of support. You just needed to mention the name of the essay as your readers in cyberspace won't know what you are referring to.
